Chemical Material Management
Appropriate management of chemical substances contained in products
In order to comply with domestic and overseas laws and regulations and to meet the demands of our customers, we are working on "appropriate management of chemical substances contained in products" throughout the supply chain. In addition to appropriate management of chemical substances contained in products, we are also holding briefing sessions for the purpose of providing appropriate information to suppliers, managing the latest version of the "Green Procurement Guidelines" of customers, and conducting supplier audits. To achieve this, we are striving to bridge the gap between our customers and our suppliers.
Response to conflict minerals survey
Bylaws based on Article 1502 of the US Financial Regulatory Reform Act (Dodd-Frank Act) were adopted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission on August 22, 2012, obliging US listed companies to disclose their use of the conflict minerals produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries. It is now mandatory to submit to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, etc., efforts to avoid the use of tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold). Although the Kuroda Electric Group is not a listed company in the United States, we strive to provide information from suppliers regarding conflict minerals in order to respond to customer requests (survey requests) through the supply chain.