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Holding Plant

Environmental Awareness

Preventing global warming


Global warming is one of the major issues that people all over the world must tackle. We cannot wait anymore.

Kuroda Electric environmental contributions

Since 2004, Kuroda Electric has engaged in global environment contribution activities, such as forest conservation (tree planting and thinning) and other agriculture experience activities in places such as Thailand, Kagawa and Kumamoto, Japan.


As part of our contribution, we have a Corporate Forest in Ome City, Tokyo and, in 2011, we started a new Corporate Forest in Kurokawa, Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture, for our employees in the Kansai area to enjoy and participate in environmental education.

Through these activities, Kuroda Electric will contribute to the environment and secure biodiversity, utilize our contributions as places for environmental education and friendship among employees, and hope to interact with the local community

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